Closed on Friday, November 24th.

Appointments (718) 824-8300

Orthopedic Surgery


Cranial Cruciate Ligament Repair It’s extremely common for dogs—especially older and overweight dogs—to rupture their Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL). Found in the knee, it is the canine equivalent of the human anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. When dogs rupture this ligament, their knee joints become unstable, and they will limp on the affected limb. CCL tears can … Read moreOrthopedic Surgery

Surgical Services 

Surgery is often the most effective way to treat a serious injury or disorder, and Middletown Animal Clinic performs surgeries in state-of-the-art facilities with cutting-edge equipment. We offer a full range of surgical services ranging from standard spaying and neutering to advanced, highly specialized procedures. Our veterinary team will walk you through the entire process, … Read moreSurgical Services 

Exotic & Pocket Pets

Exotic & Pocket Pets

Snakes, lizards, rats, gerbils, hamsters—bring us your reptiles and pocket pets! Middletown Animal Clinic welcomes small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Our veterinarians can advise you about proper care, feeding, and maintenance of your pet, as well as treat illnesses and conditions specific to their species. Many of these pets require a very particular environment to … Read moreExotic & Pocket Pets

Diagnostics and In-house Lab 

Accurate detection is key when it comes to treating your pet, and we offer complete diagnostics including digital radiology (x-rays) and ultrasound imaging. Plus, Middletown Animal Clinic has an in-house laboratory where we perform many diagnostic lab tests while you wait. We can perform blood screens, pre-anesthetic bloodwork, urinalysis and other types of testing on … Read moreDiagnostics and In-house Lab 

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